Saturday, 18 May 2024
Women and stories
1 min read

"Everyone has a story. It might or might not be a love story. It could be a story of dreams, friendship, hope, survival or even death. And every story is worth telling." - Savi Sharma, Everyone has a story.

On Thursday, May 16 from 6pm - 8pm, the Phillip Island Library presents Stories and Women - an evening of storytelling.

This is the first of a series of four Stories and Women evenings happening this year, with each being guided by a different theme.

This is an opportunity for women to tell a five to 10 minute true story. It happened to you, and for the rest of us to listen.

This will be an intimate and relaxed evening based on the theme of water. There is no obligation to tell a story, listeners are needed just as much.

Every woman has a story, and every story deserves a listener. Come ready to immerse yourself in the power of storytelling.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with others and explore the depths of women's voices through the theme of water. As a craft that many women do naturally and intuitively in casual situations, storytelling provides a way for women to make sense of experiences, to laugh, cry, relate to and connect with one another.

Thursday, May 16, 6pm - 8pm.
Phillip Island Library
Berninneit: 91 - 97 Thompson Avenue, Cowes
The event is free, but please book your ticket through

If you would like to be a story-teller at the inaugural Stories and Women evening, please ensure you select the ticket for story-teller, and event coordinator Sarah Jury will be in touch with further details

Stories need an audience:  if you want to engage in an evening of stories but don't wish to speak, come along and support women in our community, sharing their stories of water - an element that connects us all.

Refreshments are provided and present an opportunity to connect with community after the storytelling.

For more information, contact the library on 03 5952 2842.