Saturday, 18 May 2024
Pumped for PMP!
1 min read

Last week, Cowes Primary Prep children were pumped to get started in their first Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) session for the year.

The program aims to develop children's balance, fitness, hand-eye co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills and understanding of prepositional concepts (eg: on, in, through, under, over). It involves activities such as rolling, crawling, bouncing, jumping, throwing, catching, eye-tracking and obstacle courses.

The children are also exceptionally lucky to have music teacher, Mr Fox, teaching drumming patterns and musical coordination throughout the program as well.

The success of the program is in part due to the help of specialist teachers and parent helpers and the prep teachers are grateful to all who volunteer to help.

The children participate in PMP weekly throughout both term 1 and 2 and are already excited about the next week's session.