Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Fabulous fete as part of 150 celebrations
1 min read

The famous Cowes Primary School fete returns this Saturday, March 9 from 10am until 2pm, as part of the school’s 150 Years celebrations

On the day of the fete parents and volunteers will be running a variety of stalls, including the ever-popular gift basket, raffle (with some fantastic prizes), cake, BBQ and showbag stalls.

This year, a delicious Devonshire Tea will be served alongside a 150 Year display set up by the school and Phillip Island Historical Society.

All members of the school and local community are encouraged to come along and relive the memories of Cowes Primary School across the decades.

Other fun activities include a petting zoo and multiple rides/amusements for all ages to enjoy.

There will be a giant jumping castle, inflatable slide, three lane bungee run and a chair ‘o plane.

Other options include trying your luck at the Chocolate toss, getting your face painted or your hair colour sprayed.

The CFA will be setting up a display of their historic Austin Fire Truck and The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife will be in attendance with their education trailer.

A local dance group and singer Daniel Lunn will be providing entertainment throughout the day.


In preparation for the big event, last Friday students wore their craziest socks and brought along a block of chocolate to be used for prizes on the Chocolate Toss stall at the school Fete.

“The day was a huge success, and it was wonderful to see so much excitement and creativity from students,” Principal Rod McKenzie said.

Come and enjoy a fantastic community day and help celebrate the 150 year history of Cowes Primary.

Cowes Primary School Fete, Saturday March 9, 10am – 2pm. 177 Settlement Road, Cowes.